Behavior Analysts:

Earn CEUs with our online CE courses!

Overview of the ABA Subspecialty of Primary Care Behavioral Pediatrics

Online Asynchronous, 1 CEU

Professional Ethics for Behavior Analysts in the Practice of Behavioral Pediatrics

Online Asynchronous, 3 CEUs (Ethics)

Introduction to Primary Care Behavioral Pediatrics for Behavior Analysts

Online Asynchronous, 10 CEUs

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What is Primary Care Behavioral Pediatrics?

Primary care behavioral pediatrics is a subspecialty of clinical behavior analysis, itself a specialty area within applied behavior analysis. Practitioners of this subspecialty collaborate with caregivers, educators, pediatricians, and pediatric specialists in addressing common problems of childhood such as bedtime and sleep challenges, anxiety, noncompliance and defiance, sibling conflict, picky eating, and toileting problems.

The Institute for Behavioral Pediatrics was founded to facilitate an increase in the availability of high-quality, science-based behavioral healthcare services for children and families in the United States and internationally, with a primary focus on training and support of behavior analysts within, and entering, the subspecialty.

An Amazon Best Seller in pediatrics, the first textbook for behavior analysts on the subspecialty of primary care behavioral pediatrics is now available on,, and anywhere books are sold!

Upcoming Appearances

May 25, 2024: ABAI, Philadelphia, PA

Dr. McGinnis will be chairing a paper session titled Behavior Analysis in Healthcare and discussing primary care behavioral pediatrics as a career path for behavior analysts at the annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Analysis International. There will also be a book signing on May 27th in support of his new book at the convention. Stop by to say hello!

We’re Just Getting Started!

Much more to come!